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Cleveland Browns add new Member to “The Dawg Pound”

7.21.14 - Cleveland Browns add new Member to “The Dawg Pound”1

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The Cleveland Browns football team are introducing a new member to their squad this year.  So far, all they have said is his name is Swagger, he will be a bullmastiff, and is one of only four live animals sanctioned by the NFL to be on the sidelines at game time.  Watch out NFL, this one’s got teeth!

The announcement was made by the team’s vice president of fan experience and marketing, Kevin Griffin on a local radio show.  Swagger is being provided by The American Kennel Club, and is described as a dog “that possess great intelligence and a willingness to please, making them ideal family companions and protectors.”

A fully grown bullmastiff can be one very large dog.  The average weight can be around the 130 pound mark.  Bullmastiffs are intensely loyal to their family, and also self-assured around strangers as well.  Anyone that knows anything about the intensity of Browns fans, knows all about loyalty.

Browns fans have got to be the most loyal football fans ever.  With an incident that they refer to as “The Move,” Browns owner Art Modell decided to pack the team up and move it to Baltimore, Maryland.  The resulting legal melee set a historic precedent in professional sports, and eventually, thanks to the extreme loyalty of the people of Cleveland, they got their team back.

So far, there hasn’t been anything in the way of an official press release, or even pictures of just what Swagger looks like.  Keep your eyes peeled for more information as we get closer to the football season.

Go Browns!


21 de Julho de 2014

