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Home for the Holidays shelter pull!


Southern California rescue organization Marley’s Mutts assembled a group of volunteers for a special Home for the Holidays shelter pull this week.

Marley’s Mutts is located in Kern County, which includes Bakersfield, and they wrote about the pull at Facebook Wednesday, saying:

“Today’s success will most definitely go down in Mutt Militia history! Fosters new and seasoned gathered together to help us save 47 dogs from the local city shelter [the Bakersfield City Animal Care Center]. Small breed dogs that were healthy and adoptable yet sat behind bars for months waiting for a family to adopt them.

“These small breed dogs will be pampered and loved on for the next ten days as true marleys mutts deserve while they wait to board an airplane to fly them to the east coast where adoptive families await. Many thanks go out to the shelter staff and veterinarian Mukand Sandhu from 4 Paws veterinary hospital here in Bakersfield for helping us vet check all of these pups before sending them home.

“While the dogs are now safe and in foster homes the work is not done. Many of you have donated money and crates for the project and we are still working towards covering the vet costs and airfare for all these lucky pups. Please share our story and help us make today’s operation a repeat occurrence! -Amanda [Brooks]”

The city kennel was completely empty when the rescuers left.

Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue is teaming up with Wings of Rescue for a Holiday Mutt Airlift on December 5th. The organization’s goal is to transport 150 small shelter dogs to NYC. Small rescue/shelter dogs are in high demand in NYC and surrounding areas because so many people live in apartments and crowded neighborhoods. Meanwhile, there is an abundance of small dogs in SoCal shelters, especially chihahuas. The airlift will help get the dogs to an area where they are in demand.

Marley’s Mutts has set  up a fundrazr page to help with the the costs of the operation.

A very “Happy” video shows scenes from the day of the shelter pull:



Marley’s Mutts fonder Zach Skow poses with a friend. Photos via Marley’s Mutts at Facebook

27 de Novembro de 2014


Karen Harrison Binette