
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Please Help Us Find These Missing Pets!

Is your pet missing?  Please let us know!  If not, be very thankful you aren’t in the shoes of the family members missing these cherished pets.  Please see if any of them look familiar, and SHARE to get the word out there so these babies can be found and returned!



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If your dog or cat is missing, please email me at  Type “LOST” in the title, and attach a flier (preferably a jpg) that says “Lost” or “Stolen” at the top, includes a clear photo (or two – face and full body) of your pet, their name (and nicknames), where they are missing from and/or were last seen, the full date they went missing, any distinguishable features (unique markings, a limp, a scar, etc.), and a contact phone number or email address.

If you have found a dog or cat, get a good photo or two of them, then make a flier that says “Found” at the top, and below the photo include your contact information, basic location, and full date the animal was found.  Email the flier (preferably in jpg format) to

Together we can help get dearly loved animals back where they belong.  Please share this message with others so they will know to come here for help.


10 de Dezembro de 2014


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