
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Donors Rescue of Shelter Facing Evection before Christmas

12.21.14 video

Cache Creek Animal Rescue in Joliet, Illinois was in dire straits.  There was no money for them to continue operations, and they were facing eviction and having to put many animals back on the street, homeless.  All of this, and it’s just before Christmas.

The shelter specializes in rescuing animals facing euthanasia in the southern Illinois and Kentucky area.  After finding out that paying rent was not in the cards, an eviction notice was sent out by the property owners, demanding they vacate before January the 10th.

So, what does one do to try to raise money quickly?  Start a page, of course.  This past Wednesday, the shelter got the Christmas miracle they so badly needed.  The goal of $50,000 had been met thanks to the generosity of animal lovers across the country.

By the time Friday rolled around, the total was up over $64,000.  The shelter would be able to continue operating, and helpless animals were not going to be homeless for Christmas.

21 de Dezembro de 2014

