16 de Janeiro de 2014
Mocha was missing for three weeks when a stranger came to his rescue. Mocha had become caught on a guardrail along Route 78 in New Jersey when Ryan Muentnich pulled over to help. Muentnich not only rescued Mocha from the guard rail but reunited the dog with its family.
16 de Janeiro de 2014
Se você acha que seu cachorro apronta muito, veja o que esse filhote de 6 meses fez quando seus tutores não estavam em casa: mordeu um desodorante aerosol e causou uma explosão que estilhaçou o vidro da janela, quebrou o piso de madeira e colocou fogo no sofá.
16 de Janeiro de 2014
“Lots of love, kisses – that’s the expectation for the rest of his life,” Jenny Mandel said of her new family member.
16 de Janeiro de 2014
“It’s great to see that a community such as Canton takes two people who live here very seriously and that average residents can make a change,” Marcin Kowalewski said.
16 de Janeiro de 2014
Hope never knew cleanliness, care or comfort, but now she's in a home where she can spend the rest of her life being pampered.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
That adorable baby bird you
15 de Janeiro de 2014
O cantor sertanejo César Menotti, que faz com seu irmão Fabiano, usou o Instagram para compartilhar a foto de uma cachorra que está desaparecida há 4 dias.
Segundo o cantor, a cadela se chama Magali e sumiu no condomínio Fazenda da Serra em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
Já imaginou um colar com o formato exato da pata do seu cachorro?
Esse lindo colar de prata personalizado é feito com um molde da patinha do seu companheiro canino. E no verso do colar vem o nome do cão.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
Last month the brave firefighters of Wellesley Fire Department saved the life of Crosby, a Golden Retriever that had fallen into the icy Charles River. Yesterday Ellen DeGeneres honored and thanked those firefighters on her talk show.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
An animal control officer in Atlanta, Georgia saved the life of a dog that was left abandoned in a creek. The water level was high due to recent heavy rains and the dog was struggling to keep his head above water when the officer came to his rescue.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
15 de Janeiro de 2014
Coastguard offices rescued a pet stuck in chest-high mud when the dog wandered into a dry creek.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
Coastguard officers rescued a dog stuck in chest-high mud after he wandered into a dry creek.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
A skinny and injured dog from the streets of Nova Iguaçu, Brazil, was saved thanks to a compassionate man who couldn't leave the sick dog to its own luck, alone on the streets.
15 de Janeiro de 2014
An emaciated and injured dog from the streets of Nova Iguaçu, Brazil, was saved thanks to a compassionate man who couldn't leave the sick dog to its own luck, alone on the streets.