03 de Abril de 2014
2M Street residents will have the opportunity to see the communal dog in the private dog park she will share with other canine building residents. Upon request they can "check her out" for walks around the property.
03 de Abril de 2014
Most dog walkers are happy and even proud to bag and bin their dog's waste, some might leave waste if they are off the beaten track or in more rural locations, while a small proportion of dog walkers are totally disengaged from the idea that picking up their dog waste is the "right thing to do".
03 de Abril de 2014
The neglected animal was rescued and evaluated by a veterinarian who found the dog suffering from an acute case of dermatitis over most of her body, tick fever and edema.
03 de Abril de 2014
Já pensou decorar suas unhas com a estampa de um cachorro?
03 de Abril de 2014
No mundo dos cães, existem muitas raças conhecidas e aquelas que se tornam a moda do momento, sem falar dos queridos vira-latas. Mas também existem algumas raças que, dificilmente, você encontrará pelas ruas.
Veja a lista de 9 raças de cachorros raros:
03 de Abril de 2014
A stray dog from Toledo, Ohio, underwent leg amputation surgery after being maliciously shot. Police are looking for her shooter.
03 de Abril de 2014
Um taxista se recusou a levar um cão-guia e foi demitido.
O caso aconteceu na cidade de Birmingham, na Inglaterra, com Sue Smith e seu cão-guia Sonny, um labrador de 4 anos.
03 de Abril de 2014
“Minute 1: I took you out of the cage on May 9, 1998. You jumped into my arms and kissed my face. I thought I chose you but I was wrong… you chose me.”
03 de Abril de 2014
“I've always had dogs. My earliest memories are of cold noses, soft grey Dumbo-size ears and slobber.”
03 de Abril de 2014
“Please contact us if you can help us identify this person,” the shelter said. “The dog in the video will very much appreciate your help.”
03 de Abril de 2014
Fletch has been released into Cody Jackson’s care, who says he has no worries about having the dog live with his one- and seven-year-old daughters.
02 de Abril de 2014
Neste sábado sai por ai, sem muito que fazer, mas com minha inseparável Nega! Minha câmera fotográfica. Fui pros lados da Avenida Paulista, a gente sabe que lá sempre acontece alguma coisa interessante pra registrar.
02 de Abril de 2014
02 de Abril de 2014
02 de Abril de 2014
On March 10, 2014, 26 months after losing Speedy, the pet owners received a phone call they never expected. Speedy had been found!