Eldad Hagar of Hope For Paws recently rescued a frightened homeless dog from a Los Angeles, California area neighborhood during a fireworks display.
Lola was rescued after a call came in about an abandoned pup in Compton, whose owners left her behind when they moved. Lola’s owners returned to get more of their things yet left their little dog again, reportedly telling neighbors, “We don’t want her anymore.”
Lola was sitting in the bushes waiting for her owners to come back when Eldad arrived to save her. Along with being abandoned, Lola was terrified by fireworks going off nearby.
Edlad writes, “Just minutes after I arrived, the rescue location sounded like a battlefield… fireworks exploding from all direction – Lola was nervous, and I placed a leash on her quickly to ensure she won’t get scared and run away from me.”
In this rescue of Lola, Hope For Paws teamed up with Victoria Burrows Star Paws Rescue Animal Charity who will handle the adoption.
Lola is only a year old, super sweet Maltese mix, and you can see photos from her rescue here: http://www.flickr.com/eldad75.
Eldad writes: “This video brings up the issue of keeping your pets safe during holidays when people shoot fireworks. So many dogs and cats panic from the explosions, they jump over fences, through windows, they run for their lives, and end up getting hit by cars or lost forever.
“Please MAKE SURE to get a collar and a name tag for your pets, make sure their microchip info is accurate, stay home with your pets on the 4th of July – especially if your pets suffer from anxiety.”
See the rescue in this affecting video:
For more Eldad Hagar rescue stories at our site, click HERE.
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