When Doris Yepes Cáceres was watching the news at home, she never expected to see Rocky, her lost dog, on the live feed. But she did, and moments later she was hugging and kissing her beloved dog.
On August 29, 2014, Cáceres was watching her morning news when suddenly Gerardo Reyna, news reporter for RPP News started talking about a stray dog that had been interrupting the live feed. The news program showed the two-year-old dog tugging at the cables and chewing anything in front of him, and moments later an elderly woman, Cáceres, showed up at the live feed claiming the stray dog.
The woman runs a local animal shelter in Lima, Peru, where nine dogs and 40 cats live. The dogs get walked when college students come to the shelter every week and volunteer their time. Rocky was stolen from one of the volunteers during one of his walks.
For eight long days the woman searched the surrounding areas for her pet, but she never found Rocky.
“I cried all week long because I missed my son so much,” Cáceres told RPP News.
When the animal rescuer saw Rocky on TV she immediately recognized him, after all she raised him since he was just weeks old. The elderly woman couldn’t believe the dog was alive and well.
Cáceres home wasn’t too far from where the live feed was taking place, and she rushed to the location to reunite with her dog.
Rocky had lost about half his body weight during those eight days, but he continued to be the happy and playful puppy Cáceres raised.
The elderly woman was in tears and couldn’t stop thanking Reyna for helping her find her pet.
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