Our friends at The Arrow Fund have taken in a dog who was found in Louisville with a humongous tumor growing on her foot. How Moonpie has gotten around in this state is a wonder, but thankfully she is now getting the help she needs.
From The Arrow Fund:
The Arrow Fund was alerted and this baby was rushed to Blue Pearl for treatment. She is severely emaciated as well. Initial bloodwork is good and she is heartworm negative. Radiographs were taken and Dr. Patti Sura of Blue Pearl will take this tumor/growth off tomorrow. We still do not know exactly what we are dealing with, so this entire tumor/growth will be sent off for biopsy. This is being done as soon as possible because the size is just so hard for this girl to get around. It is massive in size! During surgery many different cultures will be taken as well.
If you look at the picture of just the foot you can see that her entire foot is there, it is curved and there is a stalk growing out of that, and then the large tumor/growth is growing off of the stalk. We realize that the biopsy will take several days and some of the cultures could take weeks but we wanted her to be more comfortable in the meantime. We sure hope for good results to come back on all tests.
It is amazing that someone would let a dog suffer like this. THIS IS SEVERE NEGLECT! This case is under investigation and that is all we can say at this point.
Moonpie is so sweet and The Arrow Fund is honored that we could step up to help her. Just look at her beautiful face… Please keep in mind that foster applications and adoption applications are available on our website at www.thearrowfund.org.
Donations (yes, hate to ask, but we must) are needed! Donations can be made at our website www.thearrowfund.org and checks may be mailed to The Arrow Fund P.O. Box 1127 Prospect, Kentucky 40059.
Thanks to all of you out there that support The Arrow Fund as we fight to combat severe cruelty, abuse, and neglect.
Peace ~Rebecca~
The three-year-old dog underwent emergency surgery on Wednesday to remove the tumor and have it biopsied. She will need to have physical therapy to learn how to walk on her leg properly again. She will also need to stay in a medical foster home, and when she is well enough, she’ll be up for adoption.
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