
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Mistreated, Sickly Dog Now So Happy He Wags His Tail in His Sleep


7.17.14 - Abused Dog Now So Happy He Wags His Tail in His Sleep

Frank, a deaf Dachshund, was badly mistreated and neglected in his home in Brazil before he was rescued and adopted.  But now the little guy, who was once afraid of his own shadow, is so happy that he can’t stop wagging his tail, even when he snoozes.

From Frank’s new owner, Rafael Borges

This is Frank, a 1.5-year-old dog that only wanted some love and care to be happy. Now he is so happy that even when sleeping, he shows it.

I did this video to show how one can change the life of a being with only love and care.

When my wife and I spoke with the previous owner, we were sure that he would die in a few days. He was 5 months old, had no vaccines and weighed only 6.6 pounds (3 kg). By the way, the “vet” said that there was no need for vaccines.

When we arrived to see him, we saw that it was even worse:  as the owner had no experience in dog-caring, he was locked outside in a 50 ft2 (5 m2) ceramic-tiled back area, fed only with adult dog food, shedding excessively and unbearably smelly. His only friend was a torn blanket.

We can’t be sure, but we suspect that this mistreatment lead to the worst for him: he became totally deaf. We suspect that an overlooked infection did this to him.

When we got him, he was afraid of shadows, glimmerings, peed on everything (including himself), had no tail wagging and was fearful. By the way, until today he runs for his life whenever he sees a broom…

Now, see him enjoying his dream so much that he even wags his tail, and realize that we saved a life. Bringing him happiness is moving.

So please, if you can, spread the adoption idea (and this video). You, too, can save a life.



Some of you might see this and think, “Great balls of fire!  Why isn’t that dog neutered??  What shelter wouldn’t do that before adopting him out?”  But Frank wasn’t adopted at a shelter.  He was abandoned at a veterinarian’s clinic, and Rafael is friends with one of the owners.  He and his veterinarians discussed the issue and decided that due to potential health risks, they would not have the procedure done.


18 de Julho de 2014

