Shelters aren’t fun places for any animal, but certain individuals, in particular, find it harder to get adopted and have a much higher risk of being euthanized when there isn’t enough space left for incoming pets in need of homes. So, in addition to making it a point to adopt your next companion rather than purchasing her from a breeder or pet store, consider focusing in on the following pets who are the most often overlooked ones at shelters.
Black Dogs and Cats
Black cats, especially, are often overlooked by those browsing through a shelter for their new furry friend. But black dogs, too, are often left behind, especially if they’re big. There are quite a few reasons why black animals are less likely to be adopted than lighter colored pets. These include superstitions about black cats being evil or bringing about bad luck, as well as the idea that big black dogs are mean and dangerous. The truth, though, is that these animals are just like all the rest. They have the same great personalities and are just as full of love as any other cat or dog whose fur is of a different color or pattern.
Special Needs Animals
It should come as no surprise that special needs pets are also overlooked in shelters. Whether a dog or cat is deaf or blind, handicapped, or dealing with any one of the many chronic illnesses out there, adopters disregard them. However, dogs and cats are highly resilient and they don’t let their ailments get in the way of being fun, affectionate, and perfect family pets. Blind cats, for example, can get around surprisingly well. And felines with contagious conditions like Felv or FIV can also be adopted and cared for as long as they’re in a home without other cats or in an environment with other cats who have already been diagnosed with the same condition. So if you really want to save a life and make a huge difference for an animal, a special needs pet should certainly be on your radar.
Older Pets
Many adopters are also reluctant to take in an animal who is already advanced in age. But there are plenty of loving pets who are left at shelters when their owners no longer want them, move, or can’t afford them anymore. These animals are often stressed, depressed, and longing for the comfortable home life they used to enjoy. By bringing home one of these animals, no matter what their physical state is at the time, you can give them the quality of life they deserve. They also make great pets for elderly individuals who need companionship, as they’re very calm, don’t require any training, and are more than happy to sit quietly with you. Plus, with an older animal, you already know what his temperament is without having to worry about personality changes that might occur as an animal grows.
Quiet Animals
While the adorable cat or dog who vies for your attention at the front of the cage will certainly catch your eye, don’t forget about the quiet and shy animals in the shelter, who might be reserved because they’re afraid and stressed by their environment. These animals usually come around and are more outgoing once they’re comfortable and out of the shelter.
The post The Most Overlooked Animals in Shelters appeared first on All Pet News.
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