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Puppy Rescued from Mill Adjusting to New Life | Chattanooga News, Weather

After a puppy mill bust in Bradley County, Tennessee approximately three weeks ago, the local ASPCA and Trooper’s Treasures liberated 41 pups from an awful situation.  Now,  30 of them have found new home with forever families and are adjusting to their new homes and lives.

A little Jack Russell, now given the name Rudy, is one of those puppies.  Originally, Rudy was only supposed to foster with the Simmons family.  After just one day, they knew it was love, and made him a permanent member of the household.

“The first day we had him he sat in the corner and shook.  He wouldn’t let me come near him,” said Julene Simmons.

After only knowing the cold inside of a cage it’s whole life, this pup is taking things one step at a time with his new family.  This is hardly a surprise, given that abuse and neglect from humans is the only experience he’s had with them.

Simmons said it wasn’t until the fourth day that Rudy started actually eating for them.

“It was hard to see the conditions he came from, but there’re things he didn’t know how to do,” said Simmons.  “He’d never been on grass.  He’d always been in a crate, he didn’t know how to go down stairs.”

It’s been a round the clock job to teach Rudy all of the things he was supposed to know how to do by age 3.  According to the Simmons, he’s a quick study, and getting used to things finally.

Slowly but surely, day by day, that distrust of humans is slowly turning to trust and love.

“Once we went from being so scared that he was hiding in the corner to when I just took him up and he finally relaxed, he trusted me and now when he gets scared he runs to my feet or my chair and not the corner,” said Simmons.

There are still many great dogs available that need a kind, patient and guiding hand into what it truly means to be a dog.  Remember, at your local ASPCA or dog rescue, there are many, many dogs needing forever families and home, so always consider adoption as a first resort.

Click here for the ASPCA of Bradley County.

Troopers Treasures was also involved in the liberation at the puppy mill, for more on them, or what’s available for adoption, click here.

03 de Julho de 2014

