Jasper, a sweet male dog suffering from bleeding wounds all over his body and face, was saved just a few days ago by Providing for Paws (PFP), an animal rescue organization based in Garden City, Mich. Initially, it was believed the dog’s injuries were from an extreme case of scabies mange, however, a veterinarian concluded the pet’s wounds are the result of a chemical burn. Rescuers don’t know how the injuries were inflicted or if they were intentional, but a police investigation is underway. Meanwhile, the hurt dog fights for his life.
“Jasper’s owner contacted Providing for Paws asking for help with medical care,” posted the organization online. “We had no idea just how bad he was until we went to pick him up.”
The canine was placed under foster care and two days after being rescued his health declined even more.
“His breathing was labored, he was stumbling when walking with his emaciated body and his eye looked as if something had been eating at it the last two days,” said PFP. “We decided to take [Jasper] to the ER where he was found to be in shock, a temp of 105 and his body was completely shutting down.”
Dr. Lindsay Ruland from Emergency Veterinary Hospital (EVH) performed surgery on the dog. To take a better look at the wounds and to do a thorough cleaning, Jasper’s body was shaved down. That’s when veterinarians discovered how extensive the injury was.
“[He] has burns covering 60 percent of his body. Dr. Ruland stated that she was trying to find anything else this could be besides what she suspected,” posted PFP. “However, after ruling out any kind of mange, autoimmune diseases, flea allergy and everything else, she has come to the decision that Jasper has a chemical burn.”
A biopsy is being done to confirm the vet’s findings. All results will be turned over to authorities and they will proceed with the necessary steps to punish Japer’s abusers.
The dog is currently being cared at EVH. Rescuers hope the sweet canine will beat all odds and recuperate from this burn. If you would like to help Jasper get healthy again, consider making a donation to help pay for his medical care.
Learn more about Jasper and his road to recovery by checking Providing for Paws’ website, Facebook page, or Jasper’s YouCaring page.