
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Smugglers Beware, Pipo Is On to You

We all know that the holiday season can be economically straining on all of us. Some of us might opt to spend less or smarter in order to avoid maxing out credit cards or running out of cash. Other people, like the international passenger in the video below, opted to smuggle drugs to make some extra cash. Yet, this man’s “fool-proof” plan came crashing down when Pipo, a playful eight-year-old certified narcotics dog from Spain’s El-Prat Airport pointed out what the smuggler was up to.



In the video you can see when Pipo prances around different travelers, but when he encountered the 24-year-old man, who had just deplaned a flight from Sao Paulo (Brasil), the expert sniffing dog sat next to man and indicated the dog’s handler that something illegal was hidden in the man’s luggage.

When the smuggler was ready to leave customs, airport officials detained him, checked his luggage, and uncovered 4.579 kilograms of cocaine.

Merry Christmas dear smuggler! We hope you enjoy your stay in Spain’s jail.

As for Pipo, he did such an excellent job we’re sure Santa is bringing him a nice gift.

17 de Dezembro de 2014

