From Big Fluffy Dog Rescue:
And now your late night post…
Fans, there are aspects of rescue that I love. I love it when we get the big reveal after a four-month rescue makeover of a classic train wreck. I like getting puppy kisses from heathens. I like watching adoptive families get excited about their new dogs and I absolutely love it when a dog is so happy to get his new family that he doesn’t even turn around to say goodbye. These are the good things.
The rest of rescue is like an existential hell. Every morning, before my feet hit the floor, I know I am going to spend an entire day dealing with an endless stream of animals in need, and thoughtless, stupid people, and even cruel people. No matter how well I do my job or how consistently and diligently I work, I will be crushed by the boulder tomorrow morning that I spent all day shoving uphill. It never, ever ends.
People ask me why I do this. Aside from an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and a healthy dose of megalomania, I do this for the dogs. I do it for dogs like Ridley. And Ridley and so many others need your help.
Ridley has been in boarding for six weeks. I cannot believe a dog this sweet and this wonderful still does not have a foster home. Normally, he’d be up north by now, but he was heartworm positive and had to be treated. This means he sat in boarding for all these weeks. This bothers me.
We can do all the petting and visiting and socializing for dogs in boarding and we do, but we can’t give the dogs that home experience by simply visiting. The holidays are coming and our foster homes dry up. We will need foster homes from Florida to Connecticut and places nearby and in between. I know we are all busy and we are traveling and have family coming, but if you can spare a couch for a dog like Ridley or any others, you might just thaw this frozen lawyer heart of mine.
Please consider fostering. Interested foster applicants can fill out an application at and click on Fostering FAQs for the foster application. If you are in the South (or want to foster Ridley, who is in Nashville), email
If you are in New England or the mid-Atlantic, email Thanks and happy holidays.
Here are a few others who could use a home for the holidays:
At just shy of 20 weeks, Gavin is weighing in around 35 pounds, so he is probably a plott hound/miniature saber-toothed tiger mix. We have great hopes that his ears might eventually stand up, otherwise, he is going to grow up to be a house elf.
Gavin is a sweet but shy guy who needs a home with other dogs to play with and teach him the ropes. He is good with other dogs, is fine with people who don’t yell at him and he was interested in but not dangerous to cats. This is a nice little guy who has been seriously overlooked. We expect him to weigh in the 50 pound range as an adult and he is active, happy and eager to please.
Those interested in either fostering or adopting Gavin in the TN to CT corridor should fill out an application at (click on online applications for adopting and fostering FAQs to foster). Then you need to email Spread the word, fans.
Benson may not look it in this picture, but this boy is a straight up ladies man.
He may be a short squatty basset mix, but he clearly charmed a leggy blonde Great Pyrenees mix as evidenced by her giving birth to 11 squatty little babies.*
Benson has mastered the sad-eyed look and uses it to his advantage to get extra cookies and petting from everyone he meets. We are not sure what his life was like before he came to BFDR, but we do know he is shaping up to be an excellent family dog. He is estimated to be about 7 years old and weighs in at 80 lbs. He has since lost his ability to make any more puppies (perhaps this is the reason for his expression in this picture, as it was taken before his vet visit) and is ready retire his roguish ways and become a true family man.
If you would like to be Benson’s family, please email today. She is ready to tell you all about our Big Benson and how to foster or adopt him. He is available to folks who live anywhere between NC and New England.
*The love affair occurred prior to coming to BFDR, and the puppies were as much as a surprise to us as the were to the lover boy. The babies are only 2 weeks old, and will not be adoptable for a few months.
Say hello to Daisy Ray. Daisy Ray is a five-year-old Border Collie-Lab mix weighing in at a healthy 45 pounds or so. I know she looks like every other dog, but this one has some special skills. She needs an amazing home. There are lots of dogs out there, but not many are going to save you from social ruin and awkward photos on the internet. Daisy is a real American heroine.
Lassie may have saved Timmy from the well he fell into, but Daisy saved me from walking into a crowded lobby at a vet’s office with a maxi pad attached to the back of my pants leg at the ankle. For this, I owe her. As I made my way to exit the bathroom with the dog, Daisy stopped and looked at me and pawed me. But for her actions, I would have walked into the lobby with a maxi pad stuck to the back of my pants leg. I am not going to speculate as to how it got there or share impertinent details, but fans, it was not my maxi pad. Thanks Daisy. You’re a lifesaver.
So fans, this dog deserves the best home ever for saving me from appearing on Instagram across America. She is perfect, well-mannered, gets along with kids, cats and dogs, and she will tell you if you tucked your skirt into the back of your pantyhose in the morning. Dogs this awesome do not come along frequently, but you have a shot at this one so don’t miss it.
Those interested in either fostering or adopting Daisy Ray in the TN to CT corridor should fill out an application at (click on online applications for adopting and fostering FAQs to foster). Then you need to email Spread the word, fans.
And now kids, your Christmas love story…
Improbable though it may be, our Eleventh and Twelfth Dogs of December are a love match. Andy the two-year-old Cocker Spaniel and Simon the four-year-old Great Pyrenees are engaged in a torrid love match for the ages. We here at BFDR don’t judge, so who are we to say that a cocker spaniel and a Great Pyrenees can’t meet and fall in love? We think it went down like this…
Simon was hanging out on the farm when he noticed his people brought a cute cocker spaniel puppy home for the kids. Andy was supposed to be the inside dog and Simon the outdoor guardian, but as Andy grew, he nursed a secret tendre (accent mark missing damn you facebook) for the incredibly handsome Simon. Seriously, it can happen. Young and romantic can hanker after handsome and way out of their league. I had a Sean Cassidy poster on my wall in 1977 and although I’d like to think he would have waited for me to hit 18, thank God I found the Clash in 1980 or what kind of dork would I be? But I digress. Andy began sneaking out to meet Simon so they could bark at leaf ninjas and get burrs in their fur, but it didn’t matter, because it was love. Then one day, the owners decided to move and both of them ended up in a pound in separate pens staring longingly at each other, but never able to reunite. Finally, BFDR showed up and took both of them and it was on again. The love fest for the ages and they have vowed never to part again.
So fans, we need a foster for our sweet little pair who love each other. Their hobbies include antiquing, decorating snazzy little displays and a great fondness for Judy Garland musicals and Bronski Beat ca. 1983. These two boys need to stay together and they are looking for a foster or forever home from VA to CT and places in between and reasonably nearby. Those interested in either fostering or adopting these two should fill out an application at (click on online applications for adopting and fostering FAQs to foster). Then you need to email Spread the word, fans.
This is just a small sample of the many dogs out there who need homes. If you’d like to see more big, fluffy dogs who’d LOVE to be your buddy, CLICK HERE.
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