06 de Janeiro de 2014
“They stuck together through everything,” Jackie explained. “Idgie would take a bullet for that cat.”
06 de Janeiro de 2014
O tutor Stormtrooper enlouquece com o que seu cachorro AT-AT está fazendo com o lixo.
06 de Janeiro de 2014
05 de Janeiro de 2014
Most adults remember their first success in learning to swim using the 'dog paddle'. This classic maneuver has been used to describe swimming in armadillos, turtles, even humans -- just about everything except dogs.
05 de Janeiro de 2014
“Anyone with a dog would have done this and he tried to save his dog and it was just something that had gone terribly wrong,” witness Jeff Jonas said.
05 de Janeiro de 2014
Overlooking the peril she often put herself in, Ginny scoured dumpsters and glass-filled containers - and sometimes glove compartments - to find cats that needed her.
04 de Janeiro de 2014
04 de Janeiro de 2014
04 de Janeiro de 2014
A Leishmaniose é uma doença que é considerada uma zoonose (Doença transmitida do animal para o Ser Humano). Ela é encontrada em várias partes do mundo como: América do sul, China, Norte África, Oriente Médio e no Sul da Europa.
04 de Janeiro de 2014
If people refuse to bring their pets in, call the police. While it may not be illegal to keep pets outdoors in the winter, it is illegal to do so without making sure they have proper shelters.
04 de Janeiro de 2014
Governor Cuomo must sign the bill to protect puppy mill dogs by January 10.
04 de Janeiro de 2014
Noreen Kohl never would have dreamed that sharing her bed and couches with so many dogs could become such a strong component in a court case, but her sense of family is exactly what helped her win an appeal.
03 de Janeiro de 2014
“I would do anything for this dog,” Debbie said of her heroic boy. “This dog saved my life, and I would do anything.”
03 de Janeiro de 2014
What started out as a day at the office turned into “Wrigley at the movies.”
03 de Janeiro de 2014
Firefighters identified the area where the dog was trapped, then called neighboring firefighters unit to assist in safe rescue of the young pup.