
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Zoolander’s Got Nothing on THESE Male Models!


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Meet GSPs Travis and Gus, better known as The Pointer Brothers.  They’ve already become Instagram sensations – see why!

Owner Stephanie McCombie of Vancouver, BC got both boys from shelters: 11-year-old Travis narrowly survived a bear attack, and 4-year-old Gus was rescued the day before he was scheduled to be put down.

Now they are living a cushy life of luxury, and have no problem indulging McCombie in a few funny snaps now and then.  She says that these two sincerely love hamming it up for the camera.

“They actually get excited when I bring the camera out,” she said.  “I know a lot of dogs would hate wearing hats or being dressed up, but my guys seem to really enjoy it, they always want to be involved and included in whatever we are doing.”

Of course, there’s probably a treat or twelve involved, too…

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset



Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset



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9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models5



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models7



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models8



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models9



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models10



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models11



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models12



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models13



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models14



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models15



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models16



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models17



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models18



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models19



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models20



9.5.14 - Zoolander's Got Nothing on These Male Models21





06 de Setembro de 2014

