
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog Found Alive Eight Days After Apartment Fire

Zeus, a dog from Schenectady, New York, is lucky to be alive today. The canine survived a massive fire this past March, when an apartment building located on 102 Jay St., caught on fire. Firefighters found the dog eight days later when they were combing through the debris and spotted the pet peeking through a 4th floor window.

“We were able to get up there and lure him out with a little bit of pizza of all things,” Schenectady Fire Chief Raymond Senecal told WNYT News.

Photo Credit: Dan Bazile/WNYT

Photo Credit: Dan Bazile/WNYT

Zeus was a dirty and hungry, and fortunately he escaped the fire unharmed. For hero rescuers, finding the dog alive was just what they needed to lift their spirits. The fire had claimed two human lives, and rescuers were there locate additional human remains.

Firefighters were able to witness the emotional reunion between Zeus and his owner Stacey Lydon. The woman and lucky dog did not reside in the apartment building, but a friend had been caring for Zeus for a few days when the fire broke out. The pet owner said she never lost hope of reuniting with her dog.

“I never gave up hope. I really didn’t,” said Lydon. “Without any signs of a body, I would never stop looking for him.”

14 de Abril de 2015


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