
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Dog Saves Owners After Neighbor Sets Home on Fire

Gladis Silgado is alive today thanks to her loyal dog who barked and woke her up while her home was consumed by a ravaging fire. The woman never imagined that after having a heated discussion with her neighbor, Cristóbal Montero Medina, the man would try to kill her and her teenage daughter by setting their house on fire, but that’s just what happened in Cartagena, Colombia, on April 9, 2015.

Guardian saved his owners from house fire.

Guardian saved his owners from house fire.


It was early morning when Silgado and her pregnant teenage daughter were woken up by the frantic barks of their dog named Guardian. Thanks to him, the two women were able to flee the burning home and reach safety along their four-legged hero. However, the family’s other pet, Chiqui, remained trapped inside the home and died in the fire.

Neighbors called police and after an investigation, 26-year-old Montero Medina was arrested. He was charged with attempted murder, trespassing and damages to private property.

Silgado’s home was declared a total loss. She mourns the death or her other pet, but is thankful to have Guardian and her daughter alive and unharmed.

17 de Abril de 2015

