12 de Dezembro de 2019
Hoje em dia, dez detentos do Presídio Estadual de Sobradinho tem uma missão para ocupar os seus dias. Isso porque eles trabalham na construção de casinhas para abrigar cachorros abandonados na região.
12 de Dezembro de 2019
Hoje em dia, a causa pela defesa dos interesses dos animais está conquistando cada vez mais espaço. Por isso, a criação de projetos e medidas para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos bichinhos ocorre no território nacional.
12 de Dezembro de 2019
Você sabia que pode impactar consideravelmente nas emoções do seu cão? Isso mesmo! De acordo com um estudo da Universidade Linköping, na Suécia, o estresse passa do tutor para o cachorro. Curioso, não é?
02 de Dezembro de 2019
Reading in the presence of a pooch may be the page-turning motivation young children need, suggests a researcher.
27 de Novembro de 2019
The legacy of these Inuit dogs survives today in Arctic sled dogs, making them one of the last remaining descendant populations of indigenous, pre-European dog lineages in the Americas.
25 de Novembro de 2019
A team of researchers has unearthed a well-preserved Styracosaurus skull -- and its facial imperfections have implications for how paleontologists identify new species of dinosaurs.
21 de Novembro de 2019
Most mammals walk at slow speeds and run or trot at intermediate speeds because these movement strategies are energetically optimal, according to a new study.
20 de Novembro de 2019
Sheep and dog bones can be whittled into orthopedic pins that stabilize pigeons' fractured wings, helping the fractures to heal properly without follow-up surgery.
19 de Novembro de 2019
Watch out for 'feather duvet lung' doctors have warned after treating a middle aged man with severe lung inflammation that developed soon after he bought feather-filled bedding.
11 de Novembro de 2019
Researchers assessed how experience with dogs affects humans' ability to recognize dog emotions. Participants who grew up in a cultural context with a dog-friendly attitude were more proficient at recognizing dog emotions.
07 de Novembro de 2019
A new artificial intelligence (AI) technique could eventually help veterinarians quickly identify Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) dogs with a chronic disease that causes crippling pain.
06 de Novembro de 2019
Liver toxicity is a big problem in the drug, food, and consumer products industries, especially because results in animal models fail to predict how chemicals will affect humans.
06 de Novembro de 2019
A study offers new insight on how the gut bacteria of dogs interact with a healthy vs.
05 de Novembro de 2019
New research shows that some breeds of dogs have hidden coat colors -- and in some cases, other traits -- that have been lurking all along.
01 de Novembro de 2019
Estrogen's role in canine mammary cancer is more complex than previously understood, according to new research.