
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Family Finds Stolen Dog for Sale Online

7.21.15 - Sushi

The Lowe family from Houston, Texas is feeling a bit more complete today now that they have Sushi back.  The 11-year-old dog had disappeared on the family a few months back, and they hadn’t seen her since.  Recently, an ad posted to Craigslist featured a dog that looked just like Sushi, and Kara Lowe was out looking for answers.

When the family first contacted the “seller” through the Craigslist post, they got nowhere.  The ad was taken down, and a new one put up.  The dog featured on the new post kind of looked like Sushi, only with a slight difference to her coloring.

Despite the color difference, a second attempt to contact the “seller” was made.  At first the person trying to sell Sushi was reluctant to set up a meeting, but eventually gave in.

Kara Lowe and a friend bought a microchip reader.  They came to the meeting with it, and the dog was checked for a readable chip.  The dog at the meeting did have one, with the Lowe family’s information on it.

Sushi may have been slightly altered in the color department, but Kara knew she was looking at her missing family member.  The family is very happy to have their loved one back with them.

“I don’t know what they colored her with, she’s just more brown,” said Lowe.

21 de Julho de 2015

