Zack is a four-year-old Jack Russell crossed with Chihuahua and is already beginning to lose his eyesight. Unfortunately, student and human mom to Zack Katie Tarrant are stuck in a place no dog lover ever wants to be.
Let’s face it, some of the poorest people out there are students going to university. Most have very little means at all. Some of them subsist on things like Ramen Noodles or macaroni and cheese. Things that are very readily available and most of the time cost less than a dollar.
Needless to say, Katie doesn’t exactly the $3,000GBP (ever so slightly less that $4,500USD) Katie is in a situation where her otherwise healthy dog is going to lose his vision due to cataracts, simply because the cost is just not feasible.
Now, Katie is on an all out campaign to raise the money she’s going to need for Zack’s surgery. She appealed to the public for assistance, so we here at Life With Dogs wanted to share her story and see if maybe some of our fans could maybe help out, as you so often do.
“He’s got very slight vision but that will go. He can see shadows but it’s like having a window that someone’s slowly colouring in. The vet says he’s going to eventually go blind, Katie said.
She’s really very worried about how all of this will play out. She loves Zack like any human mom would love a dog.
Katie said,“Everyone who meets him adores him. He’s really lovely, he’s got such a kind heart.”
She already asked just about everyone that she knows for help. Sadly, even her mom and dad work two different jobs almost daily just to keep themselves afloat day to day.
Katie said, “$3,000GBP is an amount that we are just not fortunate enough to be able to afford, so anything that can be donated is truly something we will all be eternally grateful for.”
Katie has started a site. You can go to, or you can simply click here. There, you can get more information on Zack’s condition, and even make a donation, if that’s financially possible. However, even a small donation is still a huge help. Please consider donating.
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