During Christmas 2014, Rach Kelsey and her dog named Texas Joe were in a car accident in Houston. The accident spooked the dog making him run away. The pet got lost and no one knew his whereabouts for four months. This week, the lost dog turned up behind a hotel in Hearne, Texas, 120 miles away from where he was initially lost. Thanks to a rescue organization and volunteer transporters, the dog and his owner will reunite this Saturday.
Kelsey , a Kansas State University student was interning in Houston during 2014. Last December while she drove with her dog she was hit by a semi. Fortunately, she was not harmed but Texas Joe got scared and ran away. The pet owner along a State Trooper searched for the lost pet, however the dog was not found and the college student needed to head back to Kansas and finish her last year of college. Kelsey made the difficult decision to leave the state without her beloved dog. She hoped Texas Joe was safe somewhere in the state.
Four months later, Texas Joe was spotted behind the hotel. Concerned animal lovers called animal control and the pet was picked up and taken to a shelter. There, Deborah Fatheree with Urgent Animals of Hearne Robertson County Texas started to look for the dog’s owner.
Thanks to a microchip, Texas Joe was identified and his owner contacted. However, they were now over 600 miles apart.
Fatheree wanted nothing more than to reunited the lost dog with Kelsey, so she took to her Facebook page and ask community members for help.
“Within and hour and a half we had already transport arranged for Saturday (April 18, 2015) to get this baby back to its mama,” Fatheree told KBTX News.
Kelsey will be driving to Oklahoma – the half way point – where she will meet with volunteer transporter Courtnie.
Congratulations to Texas Joe and Kelsey!
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