
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Madrid Becomes a No-Kill City

On March 13, 2015, Madrid became a no-kill city after the government signed in a new law making the euthanasia of strays or abandoned animals illegal. From now on, all pets in Madrid will have the right to enjoy their lives even if they have no homes or responsible owners.

Caption: Nacho Paunero celebrating that Madrid became a no-kill city.

Caption: Nacho Paunero celebrating that Madrid became a no-kill city.


Local animal organization El Refugio started advocating for this law back in the summer of 2014 and they now celebrate their win.

“Today is one of the happiest days of our lives,” said El Refugio’s President Nacho Paunero. “[Our organization] has been fighting for 19 years to make Madrid and the surrounding areas no-kill. We said we would never stop fighting until accomplishing our goal and we have finally done it!”

From now on, no animal picked up by animal control or living inside an over populated shelter would be killed. Any person who goes against the law and sacrifices an animal will be punished by the law.

Congratulations Madrid! We hope many other cities across the world follow your lead.

24 de Março de 2015

