05 de Julho de 2018
Both dogs and humans can suffer from ichthyosis, a disorder in which the skin becomes very dry, scaly, and prone to secondary infections.
05 de Julho de 2018
A new study offers an enhanced view of the origins and ultimate fate of the first dogs in the Americas.
05 de Julho de 2018
The amazing video showcases an amazing rescue, as well as the dangers firefighters face regularly on the job. Read more
04 de Julho de 2018
Messages from fans poured into social media feeds as the public learned of Sam's passing. Read more
03 de Julho de 2018
Todd took one on the nose for his owner when they encountered a rattlesnake on the hiking trail. Read more
30 de Junho de 2018
29 de Junho de 2018
Mervin had been through a lot when he was brought into the shelter.
28 de Junho de 2018
Remus saved his pal Smokey from drowning back in April.
27 de Junho de 2018
Dogs marvel as their people disappear before their very eyes. Read more
26 de Junho de 2018
Former President George H.W. Bush welcomed a new family member to his Kennebunkport pack recently. His name is Sully. Read more
25 de Junho de 2018
Hiker Amelia Milling fell hundreds of feet when one of her poles snapped.
25 de Junho de 2018
Iron was found by the side of the road, dragging his legs. These days, he's chasing his siblings around the farm. Read more
22 de Junho de 2018
After wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the mid-1990s, some scientists thought the large predator reestablished a 'landscape of fear' that caused elk, the wolf's main prey, to avoid risky places where wolves killed them.
21 de Junho de 2018
Scientists demonstrated for the first time that horses integrate human facial expressions and voice tones to perceive human emotion, regardless of whether the person is familiar or not.
21 de Junho de 2018
O auxílio canino no caso da morte de Vitória Gabrielly tem sido fundamental. Ate agora, tanto um pet quanto uma equipe de cães especializados, foram peças chaves na investigação do crime.