01 de Novembro de 2014
On Oct. 30, 2014, Nathan Binnie, a garbage collector from New Stanton, Pa., was working outside a home on Yellow Pine Lane when he discovered an emaciated female dog inside a garbage can. Thanks to his discovery, the “skin-and-bones” dog was saved.
31 de Outubro de 2014
31 de Outubro de 2014
31 de Outubro de 2014
Quem tem cachorro sabe como é difícil sair de casa sem ficar preocupado.
31 de Outubro de 2014
Vanessa Mesquita e seu pit bull Jack marcaram presença na Pet South America 2014.
31 de Outubro de 2014
On October 21, 2014, a woman from Mallorca, Spain, was walking her dog around 10 p.m. near the Banyalbufar cliffs when her dog slipped and fell over a cliff.
31 de Outubro de 2014
Doko, a small dog originally from Chile, has quite a tale to tell after he was lost during transport in a Spanish airport.
For Remberto Latorre, Doko’s owner, the five days his dog was lost in Madrid, were the longest days of his life.
31 de Outubro de 2014
Most stray dogs get scooped off the streets and find forever homes after they are found injured and in great need. Some have such sweet demeanors that their forever homes are found when the pets win over the hearts of an animal lovers.
31 de Outubro de 2014
Happy Howloween! These puppies are all dressed up for the big day. Well, some of them might just be little dogs, but they’re still super cute!
31 de Outubro de 2014
31 de Outubro de 2014
31 de Outubro de 2014
31 de Outubro de 2014
A research team is working to better understand cancer in dogs, and the work also could advance knowledge of human cancer. Their investigation began with only a tiny blood platelet, but quickly they discovered opportunities for growth and expanding the breadth of the research.
30 de Outubro de 2014
O vômito, ou também conhecido tecnicamente por êmese, é um dos sinais clínicos mais encontrados nas principais doenças, tanto dos animais quanto nos seres humanos.
30 de Outubro de 2014
A fotógrafa Carli Davidson, mais conhecida por seu ensaio Shake, com cães se remexendo em super câmera lenta, voltou com tudo e resolveu continuar o modelo que conquistou diversos admiradores, porém dessa vez em uma versão super fofa e molhada com filhotes balançando.