06 de Setembro de 2017
Founded by Hosein Mohammadi, Sezar Sanctuary is an effort to create a haven for abused and homeless animals. Read more
06 de Setembro de 2017
Researchers have developed the first evidence-based growth standards chart for dogs.
06 de Setembro de 2017
16-year-old Abby has lived a life filled with love. Now, her owner is documenting their epic, bucket list journey on film.... Read more
06 de Setembro de 2017
» Read more about: Homem constrói quartinho especial para o cachorro em sua casa »
06 de Setembro de 2017
Scat-sniffing research dogs are helping scientists map out a plan to save reclusive jaguars, pumas, bush dogs and other endangered carnivores in the increasingly fragmented forests of northeastern Argentina, according to a new study.
06 de Setembro de 2017
Or is this hungry cat just a jerk? ;-) Read more
06 de Setembro de 2017
MJ bolted from the scene of the accident and Paige feared she might never see her dog again, but two weeks later, they are happily reunited. Read more
06 de Setembro de 2017
Pedro Henrique é um cãozinho da raça Pinscher que, apesar de ter tido um começo de vida bastante difícil, hoje, com sete anos de idade, vive melhor do que muita gente.
06 de Setembro de 2017
Scientists studying African wild dogs in Botswana have found members of this endangered species use sneezes to vote on when the pack will move off and start hunting.
05 de Setembro de 2017
O Tribunal de Apelações de Oregon está chamando a atenção por conta de uma decisão considerada cruel em um caso envolvendo animais de estimação. O Tribunal decidiu que os cães de uma propriedade devem ter suas cordas vocais removidas por meio de cirurgia.
05 de Setembro de 2017
Penni barely made eye contact the first six months after she was adopted. These days, though, she is living the beautiful, active, happy life she deserves!
05 de Setembro de 2017
That John would save Copper came as no surprise to anyone who knew him. He had made it his life’s passion to help others. Read more
05 de Setembro de 2017
Actor Chris Evans tweeted a heartwarming and hilarious reunion video as he greets rescue pup, Dodger, after being away for 10 long weeks. Read more
05 de Setembro de 2017
A new research study used a sniff-test to evaluate the ability of dogs to recognize themselves. The experiment confirms the hypothesis of dogs' self-cognition proposed last year.
05 de Setembro de 2017