05 de Abril de 2017
The raccoon and the raccoon dog are two non-indigenous animal species that have become established in Europe in the past decades.
05 de Abril de 2017
“The Sheriff picked up Lovebug last night from a rescue in southern Wisconsin.
05 de Abril de 2017
“My son stood in her yard and cried as they drove away… [he] has prayed for his beloved canine friend every single night since he left.” <3 Rea
05 de Abril de 2017
Whistle’s collars are too big for small dogs, so they are not included in this data, but little dogs are much better at escaping through small holes and gaps....
04 de Abril de 2017
PIT BULL PARENTS – post selfies with your pibbles with the hashtag #GetTough to show your love for them and your stance against dog fighting!
04 de Abril de 2017
"They said, 'No, he's sick, he's old,'" Battle said. "And I said, 'It doesn't matter if he lives a week.
04 de Abril de 2017
O cantor e ator Lucas Lucco é, assim como a turma do Portal do Dog, um apaixonado por cães e mostra muito desse amor em suas redes sociais.
04 de Abril de 2017
“I wasn’t expecting that,” Joel McDonald said, with a lump in his throat. “I’d already said she was gone.”
04 de Abril de 2017
Boka is our LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day, and she comes to us from our friends at Fulton County Animal Services in Atlanta, Georgia. Read more
04 de Abril de 2017
Most of us treat our dogs like our babies. Usually this is a figurative statement! Read more
04 de Abril de 2017
Mais um animal foi alvo da violência humana no Brasil. Dessa vez o caso aconteceu em Boa Vista, capital de Roraima.
04 de Abril de 2017
Maya was so frightened of going to the shelter, she had to be picked up and carried inside.... Read more
04 de Abril de 2017
“One of the last scenes we were filming was in a pound, a kennel...
03 de Abril de 2017
"He hated me," said Braslow. "But they're doing what's right now and that's all that matters.” Read more
03 de Abril de 2017
Dozens had gathered for the wedding when a bomb-strapped girl attempted to infiltrate the crowd.