04 de Janeiro de 2014
Noreen Kohl never would have dreamed that sharing her bed and couches with so many dogs could become such a strong component in a court case, but her sense of family is exactly what helped her win an appeal.
03 de Janeiro de 2014
“I would do anything for this dog,” Debbie said of her heroic boy. “This dog saved my life, and I would do anything.”
03 de Janeiro de 2014
What started out as a day at the office turned into “Wrigley at the movies.”
03 de Janeiro de 2014
Firefighters identified the area where the dog was trapped, then called neighboring firefighters unit to assist in safe rescue of the young pup.
03 de Janeiro de 2014
03 de Janeiro de 2014
Researchers analyzed the body orientation of 70 dogs of different breeds, while the dogs relieved themselves in the open country and without being on the leash. The statistical analysis of the more than 7,000 observations was initially frustrating.
03 de Janeiro de 2014
Last month we brought you the story of Stormy, the puppy rescued from a Dallas storm drain. Stormy and his two siblings have been adopted and are now in happy homes, but their parents still need help.
02 de Janeiro de 2014
02 de Janeiro de 2014
Guide dogs require about four years of training and fully trained animals can cost over 30,000 Euro in Europe. It is thus important for financial reasons, as well as for animal welfare considerations, to ensure that guide dogs are comfortable in their work.
02 de Janeiro de 2014
In a recently published article, a group of researchers compared the perceptions of raw meat-based diets (RMBD) for pets against existing evidence to help separate fact from commonly held beliefs.
30 de Dezembro de 2013
The federal government’s proposal to discontinue protection for the gray wolf across the United States could have the unintended consequence of endangering other species, researchers say.
26 de Dezembro de 2013
26 de Dezembro de 2013
Uma cachorra se tornou mãe adotiva de dois tigres siberianos na China.
26 de Dezembro de 2013
Giovanna Ewbank resgatou mais um cachorro na rua e mostrou no Instagram para incentivar sua adoção.
Olha oq o Papai Noel mandou passar na frente do meu carro…!! Coisa mais linda que daqui a pouco estará para adoção!!! Deve ter no máximo 8 meses…!
26 de Dezembro de 2013
Um novo estudo descobriu que os cachorros conseguem entender os humanos melhor do que se imaginava.