17 Out, 2015by adminDog News, Firefighters, first responders, Heroic Dogs, News Video, rescue, vídeo, amazing rescue, clever dog, Dog News, heroic dog, house fire, smart dog
06 Out, 2015by adminDisaster, Dog News, Good Samaritan, Happy Ending, Heroic Humans, News Video, rescue, vídeo, Wow!, amazing rescue, Dog News, flooding, South Carolina
01 Out, 2015by adminDog News, Heroic Dogs, News Video, vídeo, amazing rescue, Dog News, dog news video, Heroic Dogs, lightning strike, man rescued by dog, struck by lightning
27 Jul, 2015by adminabandoned, Advocacy, Dog News, rescue, Rescue Group, strays, street dog, 46 dogs, amazing rescue, Dog, Dogs, Freedom 46, huge rescue, Oldies but Goodies Rescue, rescue, Virginia Federation of Humane Societies, Washington rescue
22 Mar, 2015by adminDog News, Firefighters, Good Samaritan, Happy Ending, Heroic Humans, Injured, Recovery, rescue, Reunited, amazing rescue, dangerous rescue, Dog, Dog News, Dogs, New York, Recovery, Remy, rock climber
04 Ago, 2014by adminDog News, Good Samaritan, Happy Ending, Heroic Humans, Photo Article, rescue, amazing rescue, Dog News
In Melbourne, Australia, a 20-year-old man was standing on Brighton Pier for a memorial scattering of his grandmother’s ashes when he was called into action to rescue a Maltese-shitzu dog that had been blown off of the pier by gale force winds.