You're gonna need a bigger cake. Well, not really, but an enormous birthday boy like Sebastian would surely make short work of it in if they'd gotten one. Read more
It meant a lot to Delacroix to preserve the details of the image. “[Birdy] is definitely my best friend,” he said. “He's a part of me at this point.” Read more
Pirate the pit bull loves when his best friend Jacob comes to read to him. Pirate was just recently adopted, and Jacob couldn't be happier for his buddy! Read more
Doug the Pug is pretty famous (98k Twitter followers; 1.8 mil on Instagram). So it stands to reason he can get away with goofing off more than you can. Read more
One won’t eat without the other. They clean each other’s faces, kiss one another’s bellies, massage each other, and sleep curled into each other. Read more