
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Man Gives Life to Save Dog from Oncoming Train

To save his dog from an oncoming train, a California man jumped onto the tracks to push the dog out of the way, but was struck and killed in the process.
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Banks Stops Payment for Dog-Walker Due to Dog’s “Terrorist” Name

“The idea that my dog is a terrorist is pretty funny,” said Francis. “Seriously, the only thing Dash could terrorize is a roast chicken.”
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Shelter Dog Reunited with Her Puppies Is Melting Hearts Everywhere

Cora was clearly distressed, and kept to one corner of her kennel.  But once her puppies were brought out, she lit up brighter than the sun!
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Cachorra abandonada tem reencontro emocionante com seus filhotes

O abandono é algo difícil de lidar e, no caso de uma cachorra nos Estados Unidos, foi ainda pior porque ela foi separada de seus filhotes.

A cadela foi deixada na ONG Marin Humane Society. Ao fazer alguns exames, a equipe do abrigo descobriu que ela havia dado à luz recentemente.

Couple Invents Vest to Protect Dogs from Coyotes

After losing one of their dogs to a coyote attack, a couple from San Diego have invented a coyote-proof vest to help save lives.
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Dog Stops Man from Abducting Young Girl

A girl walking a dog was the victim of an attempted kidnapping, that was stopped thanks to the dog she was walking.
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Drivers on California Highway Stop Traffic to Rescue Dog

"They were just on the freeway, don't know how they got there," Rochelle Vargas said. "I just had to stop and save them."
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Three Huskies Raise a Kitten and Adopt Her as Their Own

“When she saw the dogs went outside to potty, she started doing the same. When they were leashed to go on walks, Rosie wanted to be leashed and to come along, too.”
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Cachorro implora para ser adotado em abrigo nos Estados Unidos

A esperança de todo cachorro carente é encontrar um lar para chamar de seu e uma família amorosa. Mas a espera pela adoção pode ser longa e dolorosa para muitos cães.

Um chihuahua de dois anos de idade que foi encontrado no estacionamento de um Mc Donalds na Califórnia, sabe bem disso.



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