They brighten our day providing a teeny bit of diversion that somehow makes everything right with the world, whether a laugh or squirt milk out the nose. Read more
How does Beau keep getting out of the kitchen? One curious and frustrated owner set up a camera to find out the secret behing this corgi's escape-artist skills! Read more
A 2016 study found that 55% of all millennials post selfies, while only 24% of Gen Xers and 9% of Boomers are selfie-takers. We're betting Nelly's a millennial. Read more
Whether they are kissing them. cuddling them, ka-bonking them or sharing their binkies, dogs and babies make for phenomenal home-video fodder! Read more
The first video would have you believe that when it comes to these competitions, there are two types of dogs. We would like to respectfully submit that there are in fact four! Read more