03 Abr, 2015by adminCats, Dog News, Entertainment, Photo Article, Photography, wildlife, animal, baby, bear, bunny, Cat, chick, chicken, cub, deer, Dog News, duck, duckling, elephant, fawn, goat, kid, kitten, lamb, photo, Pig, piglet, rabbit, sheep
Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming, and baby animals are being born. Here are some lovely photos of dogs caring for adorable baby animals.
28 Mar, 2015by adminCats, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Heroic Dogs, rescue, vídeo, adopt, Dog News, found, kitten, mama, mom, mother, nurse, pit bull, texas
26 Mar, 2015by adminCats, Dog News, Entertainment, Friendship, Photo Article, baby, Cat, cute photo, Dog, funny photo, kiss, kitten, lick, love, photo, puppy, smooch
When it comes to doling out the kisses, there’s no one cuter than these guys!
04 Ago, 2014by adminDog News, Friendship, rescue, Adopted, Dog News, kitten, puppy, rescue
09 Maio, 2014by adminDog News, Entertainment, Friendship, Cat, Dog News, foster, Friendship, kitten, pit bull