22 Jan, 2015by adminDog News, Featured, Narrative, Rainbow Bridge, bucket list, Dog News
By Lauren Fern Watt
11 Jan, 2015by adminDog News, Featured, Rainbow Bridge, Dog News, Georgia, puppy, vigil
09 Jan, 2015by adminAvailable for Adoption, Dog News, Friendship, News Video, Rainbow Bridge, chihuahua, Dog News, Friendship, heroic dog, Houston, mourn, Rainbow Bridge, rescue, vigil
Dog lover Lauren Kribbs often saw a pair of stray Chihuahuas playing in a Houston park on her drive to and from work.
“They just played, and it made me happy to see them,” she told ABC 13. “I have a Chihuahua of my own.”
08 Jan, 2015by adminAbuse, Dog News, Heroic Humans, Injured, Rainbow Bridge, Senseless Tragedy, Abuse, Dog News, hero, Washington
15 Nov, 2014by adminAbuse, Adopted, Dog News, Editorial, Happy Ending, Lost Dog, Photo Article, Rainbow Bridge, rescue, senior dogs, Tribute, Dog News, Editorial, life story, pit bull
09 Out, 2014by adminArrest, Dog News, investigation, Police, Rainbow Bridge, Senseless Tragedy, animal cruelty, deputy, Dog News, shooting, texas
11 Set, 2014by adminDog News, Rainbow Bridge, death, Dog News, great dane, guinness, Zeus
07 Set, 2014by adminAdopted, Dog News, Editorial, Rainbow Bridge, adoption, Dog News, Editorial, Rainbow Bridge
Some people are so devastated by the loss of their pets that they can never bring themselves to get another. But for many, the best way to heal a broken heart is by opening it to another who needs your love.
31 Jul, 2014by adminDog News, Editorial, Rainbow Bridge, Dog News, poem, Rainbow Bridge
All these frosty faces need a home! If you’d like to give them a place, please click here.
19 Jul, 2014by adminDog News, Editorial, Rainbow Bridge, Dog News, Editorial, Rainbow Bridge, reddit
Submitted to reddit by milkyj