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Rescue Group

15,000 Animals Find Homes in Nationwide Adoption Marathon

“As we near our goal of a no-kill nation by 2015, we are thrilled at the sheer number of people who visited all of the locations over the weekend,” said Maddie's Fund president Rich Avanzino.

Petunia’s Journey to Survive and Thrive

BARCS believed the puppy suffered from Demodex, but once Noah's Ark's vets examined the dog, they concluded Petunia had previously been set on fire.

Elementary School Students get an Assignment that will Persuade you to Adopt Right Now

Aside from the obvious positive effect this assignment has had for these homeless pets, it has to be said, these letters are downright adorable.

Man Drives 1 Million Miles to Save Over 2,000 Dogs

Greg makes a five-day, 4,200-mile road trip which takes him from his home in Ohio, south to Houston, Texas, then back north to New York, and finally back home to Ohio, all to assist in finding these forever homes.

San Antonio Women Rescue Duct Taped Dog Thrown In Trash

Two women heard howling coming from a trash container and when they looked inside they saw a dog with all four legs taped together. The woman saved the pet.

Pizza Place Makes Treats to aid Humane Society

Because Buddy’s makes their dough fresh every day, there is leftover dough that didn’t make it into a pizza. Usually, this dough is simply discarded. However, in a genius idea, these otherwise tossed scraps have found a new purpose, dog treats.

Blinded, Starving Dog Gets the Rescue of a Lifetime

“Once I approached the bushes where she was hiding, I realized that she had no more fight in her. She was so hungry, so tired," Hagar wrote.

Dog Loses Eyes But Gains a Forever Family

When Wally, a little MiniPin, arrived at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, chances seemed to be against him finding a forever home

Fundraiser Started for Puppy Needing Heart Surgery

The cost of the surgery is quite high. There needs to be $4,500 raised for the actual surgery, and about $1,000 for travel costs and follow-up care.

Lenny the Homeless Dog Needs Surgery

X-rays revealed Lenny had been abused. He had bullets lodged throughout his body. How he survived is beyond belief.


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