“The male dog heard the sound of the approaching train, and laid down next to her. Both of them pushed their heads towards the ground, and let the train pass.” Read more
The man steers the near pupcicle towards the shore. Once at the edge, he triumphantly emerges from the water with the dog cradled in his arm like a salami. Read more
"It would mean so much to know that she’s cuddling with loved ones for the holiday season. She had a very tough start and she deserves her fairytale ending.” Read more
“The most horrible part is if the trash man came and emptied the dumpster... it’s so super cold at night. We’re glad our officers were able to save her.” Read more
Medical staff believe that even though it is going to take quite a while, and require a ton of love and hard work, but a full recovery is possible for Caesar. Read more