“No joke -- everyone in the vet office was giggling all day because of this. First, because it was a dog, second, we got a beautiful picture of it!!” brainyblond said. Read more
Cuddy's owner noticed something wrong right away back in July but vets were hard-pressed to find the offending foreign object that was the source of her pain. Read more
"Her nightgown was found a few blocks away. She put on my son's jersey... Then, she must have went out back with the dog to jump on the trampoline." Read more
Was it alien abduction?! Nah, but when a missing dog came home with mysterious surgical incisions, his owner suspected some seriously foul play at hand. Read more
His rescuers report that the little dog they nicknamed (what else?!) Roofus is in good health, though they wonder how he got up there in the first place! Read more
This dog brought the thunder down under when an alien from the outback invaded his suburban territory. Who will win the standoff? Check out the video! Read more