18 Set, 2015by adminabandoned, Adopted, Available for Adoption, Before and After, Dog News, emaciated, Featured, Recovery, rescue, Trio Animal Foundation, adopt, Before and After, Chicago, Dog News, Emmy, oscar, recover, rescue, TAF
07 Ago, 2015by adminAdopted, Dog News, Happy Ending, rescue, Rescue Group, Trio Animal Foundation, Adopted, fate, rescue, TAF
01 Ago, 2015by adminAdopted, Awww!, Before and After, Dog News, rescue, Rescue Group, Trio Animal Foundation, Adopted, Before and After, rescue, Rescue Group, TAF
04 Fev, 2015by adminabandoned, Abuse, Adopted, Dog News, Recovery, rescue, Rescue Group, choke collar, Dog News, rescue, TAF, Trio Animal Foundation