
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Trio Animal Foundation

Rescue Group Holds the Cutest Easter Egg Hunt for Rescue Dogs

“Tasty treats were put in each of the plastic Easter eggs and pin holes were made on each end. Using their super sniffers, all of the pups found their eggs...”
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Senior Dog Dumped for Newer Model Adopted into the Perfect Family

“Chula’s new mom and dad are two of the most loving, patient and caring people, and we knew that they would give Chula the time that she needed to blossom.”
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Little Dog Living Outside in the Bitter Cold for Weeks Finally Caught

“Even though he is not in our program, TAF has agreed take responsibility for his vet bills while he is on his stray hold.”
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Dog on the Absolute Brink of Death Makes an Unbelievable Recovery

“Thomas’ new dad is a police officer and knows all too well the abuse that he has gone through. He has already bonded with his new dad and they are inseparable.”
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WARNING:  Flora’s Story Will Make You Cry Happy Tears

“We had tears in our eyes as she jumped in her mom and dad’s car and drove away... It feels like a momma bird setting her babies free from their nest!”
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UPDATE:  Oscar Is Adopted!

“Oscar immediately bonded with Tyson, happily falling all over Emily and the kids. He had a goofy, giant smile on his face, and frankly, so did we!”
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Agnes – Finally Loved at the Last Minute

“After being diagnosed and treated for a number of ailments that would have kept most potential adopters away, one very special woman stepped in to help Agnes.”
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