
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

happy endings

Dog Escapes Wildfire: Jumps into Firefighter’s Arms

The dog, whose family had been evacuated, showed incredible survival insight, staying safe and hidden until it knew rescuers were on the scene to help.
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Homeless Dogs Find News Homes Thanks to Automaker

On Friendship Day hundreds of people gathered to meet their possible new best friend and at the end of the day 50 homeless dogs found their human best friends.
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The American Dream for a Street Dog, Part 2

Back in February of this year we told you the story of Nikko, a street dog from Cartagena, Colombia, and Vanda Hale, an American citizen from Arizona. Hale met the street dog while she vacationed in the tropical city over Christmas break 2013. She fell in love with the black mutt and decided she had to rescue him and bring him home to Arizona.

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