On November 30, 2014, Pets Without a Home (Animales Sin Hogar), an animal rescue organization from Montevideo, Uruguay, received a plea to help a mutilated dog taking refuge in a make-shift dog house in a backyard. No knows who the dog belongs to, who abused him, or how the tortured dog arrived at the home, but the little dog, now named Nick, had all four limbs and one of his ears mutilated, in addition to having part of his nose missing.
The organization did not think twice about saving Nick. He was transported to a veterinarian who determined that the dog had probably been abused for over a month. His limbs were bound with something that slowly restricted blood flow, and as a result, Nick’s paws fell off. His leg bones were left exposed.
How the dog lost his ear and part of his nose is unknown, but what is known is that even though Nick was put through unimaginable pain, he continues to be a sweet pet and has nothing but love, kisses and tails wags to give those helping him.
Veterinarians are reconstructing Nick’s extremities to prepare him for prosthetic legs. In the near future, Nick will be able to walk and run like any other dog.
If you would like to help Nick, consider making a donation to Animals Sin Hogar via Facebook.
Watch a video of Nick below and see how happy he is since being rescued. Warning. The video is not suitable for all audiences, it contains graphic images of Nick’s injuries.