22 de Abril de 2014
“He leans into you. He wants to be scratched and petted,” Elizabeth Henderson said. “He’s just really a big lover, a big teddy bear.”
22 de Abril de 2014
People and dogs may contract the disease by coming into contact with contaminated soil, water, urine, blood, and other body fluids. Leptospirosis can enter through the mouth, nose, eyes, and skin.
22 de Abril de 2014
Bobby fell into a well after playing with his owner. He barked desperately until police officers rescued him and brought him out to safety.
21 de Abril de 2014
A New Jersey woman invited her date to her apartment, but the man didn't steal her heart. Instead, he took her flat screen TV and dog.
21 de Abril de 2014
21 de Abril de 2014
“To have a dog like him around, you laugh 10, 20, 50 times more a day, and you can't help but have that lift the mood,” said Patrick Downes. “And he's a huge cuddler ... he's just constantly giving us hugs and kisses and entertaining us, and he's a wonderful gift in that way.”
21 de Abril de 2014
Travis Barker divulgou uma boa notícia pelo Instagram: sua cachorra teve 5 filhotes.
21 de Abril de 2014
21 de Abril de 2014
New research on domestication raises more questions than it has answered.
21 de Abril de 2014
Chipper failed out of the therapy dog program when she reached her rebellious adolescent stage and started barking at sweet little old ladies. The four-legged “failure” quickly discovered that when one doggy door closes, another one opens.
21 de Abril de 2014
“I believe a service dog would be a great source of comfort to Montana that would also encourage her to use positive tools for coping,” said Amy Schlonski, a licensed clinical social worker.
21 de Abril de 2014
Um cãozinho da raça West Highland White Terrier deu um grande susto em seus tutores: ele subiu no telhado da casa ao
21 de Abril de 2014
A falta de estrutura e de políticas públicas aliadas ao desrespeito pela lei, que vai desde os criadores ilegais aos pseudo-tutores que abandonam cães nas ruas todos os dias, transformou a situação de muitos animais do nosso país em um verdadeiro caos, sentenciado milhões a zanzar pelas ruas, com
21 de Abril de 2014
O Projeto de Lei PL 6799/2013 de autoria do Deputado Ricardo Izar (PSD/SP) visa mudar a natureza jurídica dos animais domésticos e silvestres. Atualmente os animais são tratados como “bens móveis” e a partir desta lei eles teriam direitos.
21 de Abril de 2014
Now that "the culprit has been identified," the canine delinquent will be stopped before inflicting future damages to private property.