
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Russian Man Punches His Way Through Ice to Save Drowning Dog


9.25.14 - Man Punches His Way Through Ice to Save Drowning Dog1


A man in Russia braved icy water and risked his own life to save that of a dog who was sure to succumb to hypothermia and drown in a matter of minutes.  The selfless, heroic man windmilled his way through the treacherously cold and hard ice to save this dog.



Not much is known about the circumstances, and we don’t get to see what happened once they got back on land.  Whose dog was this?  Is it a stray?  Did they take the dog with them?  I’m dying to know the answers to these questions just as much as you, but unfortunately only a non-descriptive video could be found.  If you know, please tell us!


9.25.14 - Man Punches His Way Through Ice to Save Drowning Dog2


Regardless of the lack of information, what we do know is the important bit – a dog who otherwise would have died a horrifically slow, painful and terrifying death was saved because of a magnanimous man.  Hats off to you, sir!


25 de Setembro de 2014

