
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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WOW! Courageous Russian Man Saves Biting Dog from Drowning in Icy Pond

The pup bares its teeth, and as the man tries to pull it out, it clamps down hard on his left arm. However, this does not deter him from achieving his goal.
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Gata surfa em cima de cachorro na Austrália

A inteligência dos animais nos surpreende cada vez mais. Na Austrália, uma gata usa seu amigo canino como uma prancha de surfe para se divertir na piscina sem se molhar!

O cão Ice coloca um colete salva-vidas e permite que a gatinha Didga suba em suas costas para dar uma voltinha na piscina.

No vídeo publicado no canal Catmantoo do Youtube, é possível ver a sintonia entre os animais:


Russian Crew Saves Dog From Death in Icy River

No one is sure why he was out on the ice of the Volga River in Yaroslavl; perhaps he was chasing a small critter that was light enough to safely scamper across.
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Hero Dog Saves His Friend from an Icy Death





A dog that fell through the ice at a treatment plant in Illinois had his life saved by his dog friend, who led people over to rescue him.

Viral Blog Post Warning Ice Water is Deadly for Dogs is False


A recent blog post gone viral has some people with canine family members worried.  Giving your dog too much ice water can actually your dog according to the post.  Dr. Gina Scarzella, a veterinarian, said this information is medically inaccurate.


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