When Jadiel, Fernanda, Francisco, Montserrat, Saúl and Juanito, found an injured puppy in their town, Valle del Puebla, Mexicali, Mexico, they knew just what to do. They picked up the dog – that had a mangled rear leg – cared for him, and turned to adults for help. However, they didn’t turn to their parents for help. No, they called a local radio program, Radiopatrulla, and asked for help.
The children ranging in ages from five-years-old to 12-years-old, are constant listeners of the radio program, and somehow they felt that by calling in to their favorite show, they would get the help the three-month-old puppy needed.
They were right. When the radio team learned what these innocent children and future animal rescuers did, they agreed to help the children by picking up the dog and transporting him to an animal clinic.
Veterinarian Juan Carlos Acosta performed emergency surgery to amputate the mangled leg because it couldn’t be saved. However, what worried him the most, was the many different bacterial infections the small canine was fighting and the tick and flea infestation he had.
After hearing how the children heroically rescued the injured dog, Dr. Acosta decided to offer his services at no cost.
The puppy named by the children as “Radiopatrulla,” after their favorite radio show, was bathed after the surgery and started on treatment for fleas, ticks, and bacterial infections. Dr. Acosta expects the dog to make a full recovery.
The puppy was then returned to his five young saviors who are taking turns, nursing him and making sure he grows up to be a strong and loved pet.
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