This comes from dog rescuer Jennifer Quesenberry in Virginia:
I know this is a long shot request, but these two girls really need our help.
May and Princess — AGES: 8-9 Unknown with cats or kids.
May and Princess are two female seniors who have been bred their entire lives. Their owner dumped them at a rural shelter in NC, saying “they weren’t in good shape.” The shelter has taken them to the vet, as they cannot walk and are dragging their legs. They suspect DM [degenerative myelopathy] and one may have hip dysplasia, but all blood work and x-rays looked good otherwise. They are both HW negative.
We would like to keep these two in the same foster home. The shelter told us they lived with dogs in their previous home and do not pay attention to the shelter dogs. They are in a chain link kennel outside at this shelter, directly next to another GSD and seem to do well. They can be put to sleep at any time and are extremely urgent.
I have been begging and pleading with everyone I know to pull these seniors, and am told they have NO commitment. With several people offering boarding we have decided that if money can be raised to have them boarded while we work out the details of where they go, then we will help them. Please help us save these girls. We need to commit TODAY to get them out.
I set a high goal due to their current health and the unknown with taking them on.
They will still need a foster, if you can help please email us at
We are 501c3 and your donation is tax-deductible.
Thank you!
UPDATE: 04/11/15
I picked up May and Princess last night from a transport at 2:00am and dropped them off at my local emergency vet for boarding. Once we got there I realized just how pitiful their situation is. My heart stopped. Was this the right thing to do? Would they be better off with humane euthanasia? I went home and the four hours I slept were spent dreaming about them.
This morning, I went to see them. They were completely different dogs! The shy withdrawn dogs were suddenly true GSDs – they just couldn’t walk! I had planned to bring them home with me for one night, but Princess wasn’t having it with my current dogs. She may have been defending herself or simply trying to play, but she was a feisty one.
I went back into the vet and spent over an hour with them. I saw their true selves emerge. They can’t walk, but they can scoot and they loved every second of my attention. I went and bought new toys and after a brief moment of confusion and a few squeaks – they were all games! I spent over an hour tossing the toy back and forth, numerous ear rubs and just loving on them. It was difficult to leave, but I will be back in the morning.
These girls need a solution. The vet is not the place to be. Even though they were generous enough to donate their entire office to the girls, they need a real loving home. They have so much left in them. Please help us find that special home willing to give them the love they have deserved their whole lives.
We have a vet appointment tomorrow. We hope there is something we can do, but our funds are really tight and we’re not sure what to expect. They both really need an MRI, but at this time we do not have enough money to order one.
Training Rescue Dogs does TRANSPORTS! Contact here for details.
If you would like to donate towards their boarding fees or medical care, please CLICK HERE. For updates, please follow our Facebook page.
Probably their first toy ever!
Posted by Jennifer Quesenberry on Saturday, April 11, 2015
Beautiful Blue also needs a home, but he’s a very special case, and needs someone who is skilled in training traumatized dogs.
Blue is still in boarding/training – please help us find him a home! Blue is a sable German shepherd about two years old. He was confiscated by animal control due to neglect. He had been tied in a backyard without shelter, food, or water. It was obvious he never had a human in his young life who cared for him.
Nevertheless, he did warm up to shelter staff, albeit slowly. He is currently in a boarding and training facility and making excellent progress. He wants and enjoys human interaction, but is not yet sufficiently socialized. It took the trainers about five days to gain his trust so a positive relationship could then begin to form. He is learning to trust, but still at times may be reactive to those he does not know. However, thanks to the training he receives, he is beginning to understand and enjoy human affection and contact.
As a result of his training, he is gaining confidence in himself and around other humans. To gain his trust, a relationship must be built first. He does not respond to dominance, but rather mutual respect and a confident leader. He understands and responds to many commands, on and off leash. Blue is a good dog who will make a wonderful companion, but he will need someone who is patient and will work to build a relationship with him.
I went out to see him after he completed a month of training. He was completely non-reactive and even friendly with me. His favorite thing is his Kong, but his most favorite thing is his Kong with peanut butter! It is not known how he would interact with children or other animals. He most likely would do well with older children or teens and dogs who are not dominant and who have no interest in other animals.
Interested adopters may arrange to visit him with his trainers. It will be best for a prospective adopter to develop a familiarity and relationship with Blue while at the training facility before taking him home. Getting to know him while working together with his trainers will allow Blue and his new human to begin to bond. This will make the transition to his forever home less stressful and since the training facility is the first stable and caring environment he has ever known.
Training Rescue Dogs does TRANSPORTS! Interested adopters may contact or 202-350-1149.
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