Many dogs in this condition would be terrified of human touch because of the amount of pain they are in from their matted fur. But behind the hair, you can see the happy smile of this senior dog, who knows that she’s being helped. Now this Virginia gal and her sister are ready for a home together.
This comes from the Danville Area Humane Society:
A big lesson to be learned here — Companion animals are a life-time commitment. That commitment and responsibility lasts through any hardship or change in circumstance. It doesn’t mean that if a family member is allergic to them, you must make that family member sick. It means you do not throw the companion animal outside to be ignored. You do the right thing and find them a loving home!
We investigated a complaint and found these two dogs outside. We seized them, but the owner opted to release them to us. These pictures show what some grooming and TLC can do for two wonderful dogs. (They were absolutely joyful after the hair was clipped and shaved.) These two girls are ten years old and are available for adoption. They absolutely, positively must be adopted together.
These girls are at the DAHS, which is located at 996 South Boston Road in Danville, Virginia. If you are interested in adopting, please call 434-799-0843 or email
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