There is no reason to abuse animals, but somehow animal abuse happens daily. In Cartagena, Colombia, two stray dogs were rescued by neighbors and transported to a local animal organization after the pets were found in excruciating pain.
The first dog was doused in hot water and sustained third-degree burns on his torso and front, right leg. The stray was also beaten with an unknown object, and the beating left him with a broken leg (same leg that sustained most of the burns).
The second pet is a female dog with a large laceration on the top of her head. Veterinarians believe she was slashed with a machete.
According to the local paper EL Universal, the first dog was found hiding under a car. Two woman spotted the pet and lured him out with food. They took him home and kept him safe while they asked other neighbors for donations. They needed help paying a taxi fare to transport the stray to Angels with Four Legs (Angeles con Patas) in the outskirts of the city.
Angels with Four Legs learned about the machete victim dog after neighbors called the organization to report it. The organization picked up the dog and took her back to their facility.
“We don’t have any economic help from the government,” said Martha Bonilla, director of Angels with Four Legs. “We do raffles and other events to raise funds, and right now we don’t know where we are going to get the money to help these dogs.”
Veterinarians estimate medical costs for the burn dog to be around 150,000 Colombian pesos (roughly $60), but because animal welfare is not a priority in the region, it will be difficult for the organization to find local donors willing to help the injured pet.
If anyone is interested in helping the strays, please contact Angels with Four Legs through their Facebook page.
Learn more about Angels with Four Legs.
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