02 de Maio de 2014
Quando o soldado aposentado Jason Bos reencontrou a cachorra Cila, uma antiga companheira de guerra, foi difícil saber quem estava mais animado!
02 de Maio de 2014
After being the victim of vicious dog attacks, Little Bear found guardian angels that saved his life, helped him heal, and got him ready for his happily-ever-after.
02 de Maio de 2014
It took more than an hour for firefighters to the rescue the dog, but after carefully examining the chair's mechanism, the hero rescuers were able to free the elder canine uninjured.
02 de Maio de 2014
A week ago, Dallas firefighter Ryan Snow received a call that would have a huge impact on his life.
02 de Maio de 2014
When we posted Kane’s story, you amazing Life With Dogs fans donated nearly $2,500 in just a few short days! Kane has now undergone one surgery and is recovering well.
02 de Maio de 2014
Please bear in mind, some of the language is a bit... questionable, but not nearly as bad as it is on the texts we didn't choose!
02 de Maio de 2014
Pugs subindo escadas são sempre fofinhos. Confira uma compilação com 66 segundos de Pugs encarando as escadas.
02 de Maio de 2014
Ontem(30) noticiamos o caso do médico veterinário que manteve preso por 6 meses e colhendo sangue para transfusão, um cachorro que foi deixado em sua clínica para ser eutanasiado.
01 de Maio de 2014
Durante um jogo de softball, um jogo parecido com o baseball com algumas regras diferentes, entre as equipes do Western Oregon e Simon Fraser University nos EUA, um cachorro invadiu o gramado e roubou a luva de uma jogadora.
01 de Maio de 2014
“Anybody who loves dogs as much as I do is always saddened and shocked anytime you hear of a dog’s abuse. Please know that the Hammond PD does not condone that type of behavior of any of its officers, nor is it tolerated in this administration.”
01 de Maio de 2014
Just think about how handy that could be should your campsite be wracked with 3 am thunderstorms – you wouldn’t want a panicking dog to claw its way through the tent!
01 de Maio de 2014
Dr. Millard ‘Lou’ Tierce turned himself in to the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office around 7 pm on Wednesday after the accusations against him went public. His license has been suspended and he has been charged with cruelty to animals.
01 de Maio de 2014
01 de Maio de 2014
The pup could have easily been hit by one of the trains, but thanks to train workers who responded quickly to the emergency call, the dog is alive and well.
01 de Maio de 2014
“She’s been sleeping on concrete in a kennel her whole life,” said Bos. “She’s going to get to be on the couch, everywhere. She’s going to be living the civilian life.”